Thursday, September 27, 2007

Projek Tengah Malam

Hard to beleive but i managed to complete this red heart shape after taking almost 3 hours to get the shape. But this masterpiece... i will not sell or give to anyone eventhough many peoples asking for it. My reddish heart!

This cats handphone accesories was a bit easy to make. The crystal clear cat is mine and the yellow one was running out from KL to Delarocha guy to be his car key accesories.

This brownies pearls set worth 100++ and its belong to Sya for Hari Raya accesories.

This white angel is belong to Pia+Kenny for her to wear with the pink sexy kebaya. Wow!!!

And this fresh coffee bean pearl i make for G. 2 in 1. Bracelet cum necklace. I hope she like it!

A green grass armlet is the most i like. I make it for Hari Raya to be match with my green songket. My precious! Hahaha!

Black flower ring for Pia. See the black pearl on the center?

My first project, baby blue flower ring!!!


Today is 27. This numbers giving me a lot of attention to Afeya's Tales. Not because of the 2, or the 7, or the 2+7... it's about a very long pause, so cliche, isn't it? I got a lot of stories to write, a chronicle of the tales to tell and a very chaotic sketch of anecdote to let loose. But I don't know how to start after all of these silence. Friends, would you like to help me out?!